Simba Mbili
Cumin Ground

Simba Mbili Cumin is from the Gujrat region of India and one of the best qualities in the world. Cumin seeds have been used for centuries in the Middle East, Mediterranean and India to treat a variety of ailments. The unique nutritional composition of cumin seeds includes numerous fatty acids which support the immune system. Cumin seeds both whole and ground are used in cooking all over the world.

100g Ground Cumin Bottle

Packing per Carton: 10 x 6 Bottles = 60 Bottles

50g Ground Cumin Bottle

Packing per Carton: 20 x 6 Bottles = 120 Bottles

Uses of Cumin:

  • Cumin is a must for chilli-con-carne and other Mexican dishes.
  • Used as a rub for lamb, pork and poultry dishes.
  • Use cumin for barbecue sauces and marinades.
  • Add cumin seeds to bread, muffin dough or batters for frying.
  • Fry with onions as a pickle or used to flavour lentils.
  • Cumin is used in pickles and chutneys.
  • Mix with olive oil and pour over stir-fried vegetables as a garnish.
  • Add cumin to rice or couscous for an exotic flavour.
  • Add cumin to hot and spicy soups and / or sauces.
  • Use in vegetable or meat curries.
  • Used as an ingredient in lamb or pork casseroles and stews.
  • Used in Mediterranean and Greek cooking in dishes such as Falafel, deep-fried chickpea and spice balls.
  • Can be used as a garnish for salads and in salad dressings.
  •  Cumin can be mixed with yoghurt and is a used in this manner as an effective digestive agent.
  • Oil from cumin seeds can be used to treat dry skin, eczema and other skin diseases.
  • Cumin seeds are sometimes used in beauty regimens to strengthen hair and nails.

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