Soft Cumin Ugali

  • 1 cup maize meal / corn meal
  • 2 cups normal water
  • 1 teaspoon Simba Mbili cumin ground
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • Salt to taste
  • Heat water over medium heat in a deep pan. Make sure you take a pan with a handle. Add the cumin ground, salt and margarine.
  • Sprinkle about 1 tbsp of the maize meal while the water comes to a boil.
  • Add the maize meal or cornmeal and keep on stirring with a strong wooden spoon.
  • Keep stirring and pressing the mixture against the sides of the pan to break up the lumps.
  • As the mixture becomes thicker, it becomes more difficult to mix but keep mixing and breaking up the lumps.
  • The mixture with begin to come away from the sides of the pan.
  • Allow it to cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • At this point either transfer the ugali to a platter from the pan. Place the plate over the pan and turn it upside down.
  • Or you can transfer to a small heatproof bowl. Pat it down into shape. Place a plate over the bowl and turn it over.
  • Enjoy piping hot ugali with your favourite stew or curry.
  • It is important to keep mixing the mixture and break up the lumps. Don’t serve ugali with lumps.
  • For a softer consistency, add ½ – 1 cup extra water.
  • Best to prepare ugali just before you are about to have your meal.
  • Cooking time will vary according to the quantity of ingredients used.