Indian Masala Chai

  • 2 tablespoon black tea leaves
  • 1 teaspoon Simba Mbili tea masala
  • 2 cups of your preferred choice of milk
  • 2 cups water
  • Sweetener or sugar to taste optional
  • Add water, black tea leaves and Simba Mbili tea masala to a medium-sized pot and set it on the stovetop, under medium heat.
  • Allow this to come to a boil, then add the milk. You want to keep an eye on the water-milk mixture to make sure it does not spill-over.
  • Next, reduce the heat to a low, stir in the black tea leaves, then allow this to also come to a boil.
  • Once boiled, switch off the heat, set the pot aside and pass the ginger tea through a sieve to separate the tea leaves, into a thermos flask or a pot.
  • Pour into cups and serve hot.