Garlic Bread


  • 1/3 cup luke warm water
  • 1 tsp yeast
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 cup home baking flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon milk powder.

Garlic butter

  • ¼ cup melted butter,
  • 2 teaspoons Simba Mbili garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons coriander, finely chopped


  • ¼ teaspoon Simba Mbili oregano,
  • ¼ teaspoon chilli flakes
  • ¼ teaspoon Simba Mbili paprika powder.


  • Beat water, yeast and sugar in a bowl until off-white in colour.
  • Add flour, salt milk powder to the water, sugar and yeast mixture. Add 1 tablespoon of oil and knead for 5 minutes.
  • Make a dough ball. Apply oil and cover with glad wrap (cling film) and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.
  • After 1 hour open the cling film. Knead the dough and roll like pizza base but little thick but don’t fork.
  • Place on a tray with greaseproof paper.

Garlic butter

In a separate bowl mix melted butter, Simba Mbili garlic powder and coriander finely chopped
• Using a brush apply the melted butter, garlic, and coriander mixture leaving the edges of the rolled dough.
• On half side add grated mozzarella cheese on top of the garlic, butter and coriander mixture.


Sprinkle Simba Mbili oregano and chilli flakes all around the base, leaving out the edges.
• Apply remaining garlic, butter and coriander mixture at top.
• Again sprinkle Simba Mbili oregano , chilli flakes and Simba Mbili paprika powder.
• Make marks using a sharp knife.
• Place the try in an oven and bake at 1800 c for 20 minute